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  • The ULTIMATE Guide to Becoming an IT GIRL! | it girl mindset | being your own DREAM GIRL | Romanticize your life! |

The ULTIMATE Guide to Becoming an IT GIRL! | it girl mindset | being your own DREAM GIRL | Romanticize your life! |

Become your own It Girl!

The ULTIMATE Guide to Becoming an IT GIRL! | it girl mindset | being your own DREAM GIRL | Romanticize your life! |

Welcome back to The Girly GirlBlog! In this blog, I will go over exactly how YOU can become an it girl! This also has a corresponding podcast episode! Click here to listen!


  1. Don’t care about other people’s opinions! I know people say that a lot but I’m serious! Do what you want and if someone has something to say about it, ignore them. Live YOUR life for you. Not for your parents, friends, teachers, or even your family. live for you. When people say offensive things, it’s usually a reflection of themselves anyway. + if you spend the rest of your life living and caring about what other people think about you, you will never live the true way that you want to because your never even focused on what you want. Next time you're about to wonder what someone thinks, stop and wait. Instead think, what do I think about this.

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  2. Believing that you can achieve anything! The moment that you actually believe that you can achieve anything that you want to in life, whether that be a status, job, routine, or even relationship is the moment that you actually do. Nothing is out of reach for you. When you literally just believe in yourself and in who you are, you can truly become anything that you ever want to. For example, if you have low self-worth and want to purchase a new car but you don’t believe that you can do it. Then your right. You literally won’t be able to do it because you are not believing in yourself. Flip the situation and work hard for your new car and know that you are worthy of it, and you will get it!

  3. Love yourself! Literally you need to love yourself because life is so precious, and you need to love everything about yourself. Those insecurities that you have, find the positive in them. View them as unique traits or qualities that you might have. Wear what you feel confident in! Even if you feel as if everyone is going to make fun of you, so what, do it. Wear what you want to. I promise you the moment you make a change and become confident; you will inspire so many people.

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Develop Good Routines!

It’s very important to create a solid morning and night routine. When creating a routine, you need plan out and time block your morning or night! For example, in the morning, I wake up at 7am, read Atomic Habits for about 10 minutes, journal my daily prompt at my desk, do my morning Pilates class, fill up my cute pink tumbler cup, ice roll and gua sha my face while watching Vogue Beauty Secrets, then go downstairs for breakfast! I then eat while listening to a podcast and after that I do my chores and come back upstairs. Upstairs I like to check my Pinterest on my iPad, answer emails, and post content! Then I will let my dogs outside @ 9am and then start my schoolwork. I don’t end till around 12pm where I break for lunch!

Hopefully my morning routine can give you some inspo to create your own! One of the most important things to do when creating a new morning routine is to take time to load and buffer in the morning. We are still pretty sleepy when we first wake up so try not to do extremely crazy things when just waking up. Example don’t jump straight to exercise!

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Practice Balance!

Implementing the 80/20 rule is very useful in your life. It can help you to manage your time, prevent burnout, get better grades in school, and tons more! An example of this is going out and staying in. 80% of the time you are staying inside and following your cute lil routine. 20% of the time you are going out and eating fast food. This is great to base your life around because it can really help to prevent burnout. I really love this example from a psychologist who was walking around a room full of her students while she was teaching them about stress management. She raised a glass of water, and everyone expected her to ask them if they view it as half-empty or half-full. But instead, she asked the students how heavy they think the glass of water is. Many students said around 8 to 20 oz and then she told them that the absolute weight does not matter, it depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it's not a problem but if I hold it for an hour, I’ll have an ache in my arm. If I hold it for a day my arm will feel numb and paralyzed. Then she said, in each case the weight of the glass doesn’t change but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes. The stresses and worries of life are like the glass of water, think about them for a while and nothing happens but think about them longer and they begin to hurt. Think about them for all day long then you will feel paralyzed- incapable of doing anything. Remember to put the glass down. I just love this so so much because it really helps us to see that we need to implement balance into our lives by putting down the unnecessary things and worries and keeping the important things.

Romanticize your world!

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I think that romanticizing your entire life is so fulfilling and can change everything. You can do this by, wearing sunglasses in doors to be like a model off duty type of look. Wear a face mask in the bathtub, get cute school supplies and read like Rory Gilmore! Make your notion and your room cute! Dress up your dog each time you take them on a walk. Get Starbucks after school! Create a study playlist to listen to while reviewing your notes! Drink tea in the morning, buy yourself flowers, wear a full on met gala outfit to school! Doing these things can make life more enjoyable and fun! Live the life that you have always wanted to live!

Jealousy is a disease:

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When people see you start to implement and become your own it girl, they will start to not like you and it’s totally normal. Because as we know, they hate to see a girlboss winning but also because people get jealous of the fact that you can do something that they cannot. Think about it, when you start to come up and become a better person people are going to wish that they could do that and instead of simply asking how you did this, they resort to hate and jealousy. Just remember its nothing about you it's all just a reflection of themselves. Now, if close friends start to do this, you have to slowly distance yourself from them. It's for the better.


  • Stay Hydrated! Drinking lots of water can promote healthy health and keep your skin clear!

  • Know that you are pretty! When you already love yourself to know that you are pretty and you do slay every outfit, when some guy comes up to you and says that you are pretty it won’t be like omg this is the guy for me bc he literally just called you pretty and honey you already knew that. You don’t need to someone to constantly tell you that you are pretty for you to believe it.

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  • Become a chef! Start saving new recipes on Pinterest for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

  • Practice using the law of attraction! Using this can help you to attract anything that you desire simply by believing in yourself! So, use different affirmations!

  • Take at least 1 mental health day a week! Mine are on Wednesdays and on these days, I don’t wake up at 7am I rather take the extra time to sleep till 8:15am. Also, I do not do my Pilates workout on mental health days either.

That’s it for this blog! Talk Soon!

Keep up with me!

Listen to my Podcast: https://anchor.fm/vivian-rose45

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Shop my fashion and beauty line: www.shopstylishtrendz.com (use code PODCAST for $$ off at checkout!)

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Please leave a review for the podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! If you do, I will feature you on next week's episode! :) + it helps other teens like us to find the podcast! <3


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