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  • GLOW UP GUIDE FOR 2024!! Part 3: How to SET, ACHIEVE, and PROGRESS Your GOALS!!


step-by-step guide!!


we do not own any photos used in this blog

Hey besties! πŸ’–βœ¨ Welcome to a power-packed blog of all things It Girl! Today, we're diving deep into the art of goal setting, achievement, and progression. Get ready for a guide that will transform your dreams into tangible realities. Let's dive in!

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Monday Motivation:

Here’s the PEP TALK that you NEED today!

It's time to recognize the incredible potential within you! Those goals you've set for yourself? They're not just dreams – they're a roadmap to your future success. You have the power to turn every aspiration into reality, and here's why:

  1. Unique Strengths:

    • You possess a set of skills and talents that are uniquely yours. Embrace them! Your strengths are the building blocks of your success, so let them shine.

  2. Past Triumphs:

    • Remember those challenges you conquered in the past? They weren't just hurdles; they were steppingstones that got you to where you are now. Use those victories as fuel for your journey ahead.

  3. Resilience:

    • Life has thrown curveballs your way, yet here you are, stronger than ever. Your ability to bounce back from setbacks is a testament to your resilience. Keep that spirit alive – it's a superpower.

  4. Learning from Setbacks:

    • Setbacks are not failures; they're lessons. Every detour is an opportunity to learn, adapt, and come back even stronger. Your journey is a process, not a destination.

  5. Vision and Clarity:

    • You've set your goals with purpose and clarity. That vision is your guiding light. Trust in your ability to navigate towards it, even when the path seems unclear.

  6. Passion and Determination:

    • Your passion for your goals is the fire that fuels your determination. Keep that flame burning bright, and let it be a beacon guiding you through challenges.

  7. Community Support:

    • You're not alone on this journey. Your friends, family, mentors, and supporters are standing by your side. Lean on them when you need encouragement and celebrate together when you succeed.

  8. Time is on Your Side:

    • Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither are your dreams. Take one step at a time, be patient with yourself, and trust that every effort you invest is bringing you closer to your goals.

  9. Visualization:

    • Picture yourself achieving your goals. Envision the joy, the satisfaction, and the pride. The more you can see it, the more real and attainable it becomes.

  10. You Are Worthy:

    • Never forget: You are worthy of success, happiness, and all the amazing things life has to offer. Your goals are not just possibilities – they are promises waiting to be fulfilled.

So, go out there and conquer! Your goals are not just aspirations; they are destinies you are shaping. Believe in yourself, stay focused, and watch as your incredible journey unfolds. You've got this! πŸ’ͺ🌟

fashion icon of the week: 90s icons

  1. Kate Moss:

    • Often hailed as one of the defining figures of 90s fashion, Kate Moss had a signature "model off-duty" style characterized by a mix of grunge, minimalism, and rock chic. She effortlessly combined vintage pieces with high-end fashion, creating a laid-back yet stylish aesthetic that resonated with the era.

  2. Cindy Crawford:

    • Cindy Crawford was the epitome of the all-American supermodel. Her off-duty looks often featured casual denim, oversized shirts, and leather jackets. Crawford's style was glamorous yet approachable, reflecting her girl-next-door charm.

  3. Naomi Campbell:

    • Naomi Campbell, known for her commanding presence on the runway, showcased a glamorous and sophisticated off-duty style. She often embraced bold prints, statement accessories, and luxurious fabrics, exuding an air of timeless elegance.

  4. Claudia Schiffer:

    • Claudia Schiffer, a quintessential blonde bombshell of the 90s, had a classic and feminine off-duty style. Her looks often included tailored blazers, slip dresses, and simple yet elegant ensembles that highlighted her natural beauty.

  5. Christy Turlington:

    • Christy Turlington, recognized for her ethereal beauty, embraced a refined and minimalist off-duty style. She often opted for clean lines, neutral tones, and classic pieces that showcased her sophistication and timeless appeal.

  6. Linda Evangelista:

    • Linda Evangelista was known for her chameleon-like ability to adapt to different styles. Off-duty, she could be seen rocking everything from sleek and sophisticated looks to more casual and edgy ensembles, reflecting her versatility and fashion-forward approach.

  7. Helena Christensen:

    • Helena Christensen's off-duty style was a perfect blend of bohemian and downtown cool. She often embraced eclectic prints, denim, and a mix of vintage finds, creating an effortlessly chic and laid-back aesthetic.

quote of the week:

"Do one thing every day that scares you." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Journal Prompt:

What is my most recurring feeling and what is the root of this feeling?


1. Setting Empowering Goals:

  • SMART Goals: Break down the SMART criteria:

    • Specific: Instead of saying, "I want to be fit," specify, "I want to run a 5k in six months."

    • Measurable: Define progress markers. How will you measure success along the way?

    • Achievable: Ensure your goal is realistic. If running a 5k is a stretch now, start with smaller fitness goals.

    • Relevant: Align your goals with your values and passions.

    • Time-Bound: Set a clear deadline to create urgency.

  • Personal Growth Goals:

    • Identify Areas for Growth: Reflect on aspects of yourself you want to enhanceβ€”be it confidence, communication, or a new skill.

    • Continuous Learning: Set goals that involve learning. Whether it's a language, coding, or a musical instrument, continuous growth is the key.

  • Achievement Goals:

    • Academic, Career, or Personal: Define goals in areas that matter most to you. Break down larger goals into smaller, achievable milestones.

    • Break Down into Milestones: Instead of aiming for a vague outcome, break it down. If it's an academic goal, set smaller targets for each semester.


Hope you're still riding that wave of excitement from our recent bow collection launch! πŸŽ‰βœ¨ If you haven't treated yourself to our stunning "Femme Elegante" Tweed Bow, the enchanting "Ice Princess" Tweed Bow, the vibrant "Lily Rose Red" Bow, or the plush "Snow" Velvet Bow, there's no better time than now!

🌟 Why Wait? Here's the Buzz:

- These bows are selling like dior lipglosses, and we don't want you to miss out on owning a piece one! πŸš€

- Still a chance to grab your favorite color before they're all snapped up – don't wait until it's too late!

- Remember, each bow purchase comes with a delightful surprise – exclusive freebies to add an extra dash of glam to your order! πŸŽπŸ’–

🌈 More Good News! If you're craving even more variety, keep your eyes peeled because more stunning color options are on the horizon. But for now, make sure to snag your favorites from the current collection!

Ready to elevate your style and join the ranks of our glam squad? Click here to EXPLORE THEM!


2. Achieving Your Goals:

  • Create an Action Plan:

    • Break Down Tasks: Transform your goals into actionable tasks. If your goal is to write a novel, break it into steps like outlining, writing chapters, and editing.

    • Prioritize Tasks: Identify tasks that will have the most significant impact. What steps will propel you forward faster?

  • Consistent Effort:

    • Daily or Weekly Commitments: Dedicate consistent time to work on your goals. Consistency is key.

    • Build Habits: Integrate goal-related tasks into your daily or weekly routines. Habits sustain progress.

  • Stay Motivated:

    • Visualize Success: Imagine yourself achieving your goals. Visualization is a powerful motivator.

    • Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate each milestone, no matter how small. It fuels motivation and boosts confidence.

3. Progressing and Evolving:

  • Regular Assessments:

    • Reflect on Progress: Schedule regular check-ins to evaluate your progress. What's working well, and where can you improve?

    • Adjust as Needed: If needed, modify your goals based on changing circumstances. Adaptability is key.

  • Embrace Adaptability:

    • Flexibility is Key: Life is dynamic. Be open to adjusting your goals as circumstances change.

    • Learn from Setbacks: Challenges are opportunities to learn and adapt. Embrace setbacks as part of the journey.

  • Set New Challenges:

    • Continuous Growth: Once you achieve a goal, set new challenges to keep evolving.

    • Explore New Horizons: Push your boundaries and explore areas you haven't ventured into before.

4. Nurturing a Growth Mindset:

  • Embrace Challenges:

    • Shift Perspective: View challenges as opportunities for growth, not roadblocks.

    • Learn from Mistakes: Mistakes are stepping stones toward improvement. Analyze, learn, and apply.

  • Seek Feedback:

    • Constructive Feedback: Welcome feedback as a tool for improvement.

    • Iterative Progress: Use feedback to refine your approach and strategies. It's a continuous loop of improvement.

  • Celebrate the Journey:

    • Enjoy the Process: Acknowledge the value of the journey, not just the destination.

    • Personal Growth Matters: Every step forward is a victory in your personal growth journey.

Congratulations, lovely souls! You've now mastered the art of setting, achieving, and progressing your goals. Stay tuned for more blogs where we'll explore self-care rituals and the essential practices for nourishing your inner glow. Here's to a year of empowered goal-getting! πŸŒŸπŸŽ―πŸ’•βœ¨

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