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Get Ready, Gorgeous! 10 Fabulous Tips Before School Starts Back πŸŽ’πŸ“šπŸ’„

how to prepare mentally and fashionably for school!!

It Girl Guide:

Get Ready, Gorgeous! 10 Fabulous Tips Before School Starts Back!! πŸŽ’πŸ“šπŸ’„

we don’t own any pics used in this blog!

Hey there, lovelies! Can you believe it's almost time to hit the books again? Yep, school days are creeping up on us faster than a TikTok trend LOL. Whether you're a freshman ready to SLAY high school or a seasoned senior looking to slay your final year, I've got your back with the ultimate girly guide to getting your mindset, grades, and outfits on point. Let's dive in, shall we??????

fr tho

1. Fabulous Mindset, Fabulous Year: Before you even step into that classroom, remember: you're gorgeous, you're fabulous, and you've got this! Positive vibes attract good times, so set those intentions for an awesome school year ahead. Embrace challenges with a growth mindset – turning struggles into steppingstones toward success. Remember to embrace your imperfections!! I did an entire podcast episode on this topic so if you need it click here to listen!

2. Get Your Planner Game on Point: Your planner is about to become your new BFF. Color-code your life, note down assignments, due dates, and social events. Stay organized, and you'll own the school year like the It Girl you are!!

3. Study Smart, Not Hard: Ah, grades. We all want those A's, right? Instead of pulling all-nighters, create a study schedule that gives your brain some breathing room. Short, focused study sessions beat cramming any day. Plus, cute stationery makes studying feel way more glam!!

IT GIRL TIP: I love listening to podcast episodes about starting the school year!! Here are some of my faves that got me into the school spirit!!

4. Glow Up Your Study Space: Speaking of studying, let's talk about your study space. Surround yourself with fairy lights, motivational quotes, and comfy cushions. Your study zone should be a Pinterest-worthy oasis that screams productivity and creativity.

5. Dress to Impress, Express, and Slay: Back-to-school outfits? Honey, it's your time to shine! Mix and match your fave pieces for Insta-worthy looks that express your unique style. Whether it's rocking a statement tee or layering accessories, let your outfit speak volumes about YOU. Showcase Model-Off Duty when you feel lazy and FULL-ON IT GIRL WHEN U FEEL GORG!

6. Plan Your Outfits (Yes, Seriously): Ain't nobody got time for morning outfit meltdowns. Plan your outfits the night before – from head to toe, including accessories. You'll feel more put together and ready to conquer the world (or at least algebra class).

7. Confidence is Your Best Accessory: Whether you're sporting your fave jeans or that super cute dress, confidence is the must-have accessory. Hold your head high, flash that dazzling smile, and strut your stuff like the runway is your hallway.

8. Friends and Fun – Find Your Tribe: High school is all about making memories with your squad. Surround yourself with those who uplift and inspire you. Genuine friendships are like sequins – they make life sparkle.

9. Embrace New Experiences: This year is a blank canvas just waiting for your vibrant colors. Join clubs, try out for the school play, or explore a new hobby. High school is your oyster, so go ahead and dive into the unknown!

10. Self-Care Sunday, Every Day: Amid the hustle and bustle, don't forget to pamper yourself. Treat every day like Self-Care Sunday. Take bubble baths, read your fave books, or binge-watch that guilty pleasure show. When you're your best self, you'll shine even brighter.

So, there you have it, darling divas! With these 10 tips, you'll be more than ready to conquer the upcoming school year with style, grace, and those unbeatable good vibes. Remember, you're not just going back to school – you're stepping onto your personal runway of success! πŸŒŸπŸŽ‰πŸ““

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